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Catering Management and Consultancy Services by Olympus Associates

As well as Catering Software Olympus Associates provide Catering Management Consultancy Services from catering suppliers to recruitment and Cost Control





Catering Management and Consultancy Services

Business Review

In-depth analysis of your current trading accounts, comparing with industry norms, identifying potential areas for improvement, compiling a detailed action plan to address any areas of concern.

Rooms Management

A detailed analysis of your current Rooms Strategy, with a S.W.O.T. analysis. Compiling a revised Rooms Strategy with structured sales plan to improve both yield and Revpar.

Kitchen Management

As well as the KitMan Software, Olympus Associates can offer advice on the following: Kitchen Design, Equipment, Purchasing, Menu Compilation, Customer Research, Health and Safety and Hygiene Audits, Training and Recruitment.


A simple and accurate system that assists Management in identifying current business trends, peak and troughs, allowing the opportunity to take proactive actions to counteract the troughs.

Sales and Marketing

Full audit of current activity, compiling a detailed and structured plan, addressing account penetration, loyalty schemes, detailed training on sales techniques, telesales, monitoring systems, overcoming objections, closing techniques.

Olympus Associates also has access to many other Industry Specialists who work in tandem with Olympus Associates in assisting today's Management solve tomorrow's problems, by identifying them as opportunities.

For more information please contact or call 0330 088 1957.

Download Free Trial Software

Free 30 Day Software Trial

If your business could benefit from Kitchen Management Software we now offer a free 30 day trial with no obligation.  We then offer scalable monthly or annual license options so there are no up front capital costs.

To register to download a free trial.

Referral Scheme

Referral Scheme

We also offer a referral scheme for any Organisations that you introduce that go on to a paid license we pay out first months licence fee license either directly to you, to your organisation or to charity.

To register for the referral scheme.

© copyright Olympus Associates Limited 2012 w: e:
t uk: +44 (0)330 088 1957 ie: +353 (0) 1 485 3205 f: +44 (0)330 088 1958

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