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Complete Kitchen Management Software for Catering Food Cost Control

KitMan - A Complete Kitchen Management System for Catering Food Cost Control including Food Procurement, with Recipe bank linked to Supplier Price Changes.





Complete Kitchen Management Software

The KitMan System is a complete Kitchen Management System to help catering professionals to cost, plan, monitor and order for a quality kitchen operation.

  • Unique Kitchen Management System highly adaptable for each outlet.
  • Menu Cards Linked to Supplier's Pricelists and Updated Automatically.
  • Monitors Revenue, Purchases and Profitability Daily.
  • Highlights Areas of Concern.
  • Reduces Cost of Purchasing.

The software has been designed by chefs including Masterchefs and Group Executive Chefs drawing on their experience in leading hotels, restaurants, food production and management.

The team of Olympus Associates have a wealth of experience in senior hotel management including local, region and head office establishments plus technical experience from all areas of the catering industry.

Food Cost Control in Education

KitMan and KitMan Online is now being used by over 60 Universities and Colleges teaching Catering throughout the UK and Ireland.  It can help with internal food requisitions either using the site's personalised recipe bank linked to the current supplier prices or by repeating earlier requisitions.  Food Procurement is controlled with external Purchase Orders raised in the system and Deliveries monitored.

The KitMan System also has specific features for those involved in catering education

Food Cost Control in Healthcare

KitMan has been working with Healthcare organisations ranging from Hospices and Residential Care to NHS Trusts.

The KitMan System also has specific features for those involved in catering in hospitals and residential care

Food Cost Control in Hospitality

Find out how KitMan has been used in all sorts of hospitality establishments from hotel groups to independent hotels, restaurants, pubs and cafes

The KitMan System also has specific features for those involved in hospitality catering

Download Free Trial Software

Free 30 Day Software Trial

If your business could benefit from Kitchen Management Software we now offer a free 30 day trial with no obligation.  We then offer scalable monthly or annual license options so there are no up front capital costs.

To register to download a free trial.

Referral Scheme

Referral Scheme

We also offer a referral scheme for any Organisations that you introduce that go on to a paid license we pay out first months licence fee license either directly to you, to your organisation or to charity.

To register for the referral scheme.

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